
  • Gil Faria

    12 Feb - 14h15

    Gil Faria has a degree in Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon. He started programming at age 9, shortly after receiving his first computer, a Commodore 64. Since then, he hasn't been able to stop feeding his interest in Technology and programming. Gil is currently working as an Engineering Manager at Farfetch, focusing on developing high-performance teams, delivering value on time, and guaranteeing quality while promoting a friendly and professional atmosphere.

  • David Sopas

    12 Feb - 15h10

    David Sopas is a security researcher with more than 15 years of experience. Currently David leads a talented team of researchers at Checkmarx and at the same time manages is own security company Char49. Best known for his published work on finding vulnerabilities for companies like Google, Microsoft, Adobe, eBay, Amazon and many others. Also each year you can find him speaking at local and international security conferences.

  • Jean-Baptiste Kempf

    12 Feb - 15h50

    Jean-Baptiste Kempf is the president of the VideoLAN non-profit organization and one of the lead developers of the open source VLC media player. Jean-Baptiste is a 37-year old French engineer and has been part of the VideoLAN community since 2005. Since then, he has worked on or lead most VideoLAN related projects, including VLC for desktop, the relicensing of libVLC, the ports to mobile operating systems, and various multimedia libraries like libdvdcss or libbluray. He also created the legal entity of VideoLAN, a French non-profit organization, in 2008. Jean-Baptiste has also been working in various video-related startups, and founded VideoLabs, a company focusing on open source multimedia technologies.

  • Fernando Mendes

    12 Feb - 16h40

    Mendes exchanges coffee for code at Subvisual. He has a background in Distributed Systems and Cryptography, having won multiple national awards for academic excellence. Previously at UTrust and thoughtbot, he also does a lot of volunteering, being the founder of \#include <braga> and a former champion of CoderDojo Braga. '); DROP TABLE speakers; --

  • Gonçalo Silva

    12 Feb - 17h35

    Gonçalo is the CTO at Doist, creators of Todoist and Twist. He's been working remotely for over a decade, and managing remote teams for most of that time. He loves long-term ambition, asynchronous communication, and programming.

  • Isabel Costa

    13 Feb - 14h00

    Isabel Costa is a Software Engineer and works at Globality. She is also an admin for AnitaB.org Open Source and GitHub Star. She was a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) student in 2018, and an admin in 2020, as well as a Google Code-in Mentor in 2019. Since participating in GSoC she maintains the project started during the program, helping newcomers make their first contributions or find new ways to contribute to Open Source.

  • Pedro Saleiro

    13 Feb - 14h50

    Pedro Saleiro is a senior research manager at Feedzai where he leads the research group on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE). He is responsible for several initiatives related to improving model explainability, bias auditing and algorithmic fairness, experimentation and A/B testing, ML governance and reproducibility. Previously, Pedro was postdoc at the University of Chicago and research data scientist at the Center for Data Science and Public Policy working with Rayid Ghani, on the development of new methods and open source tools (Aequitas library) to detect and reduce bias and discrimination in AI, and doing data science for projects with government and non-profit partners in diverse policy areas. Pedro holds a Phd in Machine Learning from University of Porto.


  • Pedro Ferreira


    Pedro Ferreira is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto. His research focuses on the political participation and political education of young people and adults, including in digital contexts and with digital media. He has recently coordinated national and international projects on education, inclusion and mobilization using digital media.

  • Miguel Ramalho


    Miguel is a former student at the University of Porto, and currently works as a software engineer at Transferwise on financial fraud prevention. With a foot in software and another in machine learning, he strives to come up with new ideas where technology contributes to social good, having created Desarquivo (a tool for investigative journalism) and Election Watch (a pivot from his master thesis used to monitor social media during election periods). His research goals are aimed at preventing misinformation, polarization, and the dangerous consequences of the beautiful the world wide web.

  • Filipe Araújo


    Vice-Presidente e Vereador do Pelouro da Inovação e Ambiente na Câmara Municipal do Porto. Vereador do Pelouro da Inovação e Ambiente na Câmara Municipal do Porto (mandato 2013-2017) Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Agência de Energia do Porto. Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Associação Porto Digital. Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral da Empresa Municipal de Ambiente do Porto, EM, SA Membro do Conselho de Administração da LIPOR. Presidente do Fórum do Ambiente da rede Eurocities. Vice-Presidente do Fórum do Ambiente da rede Eurocities (2016 - 2018). Membro do Conselho Consultivo da Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações. Membro do Conselho Consultivo do MIL (Media Innovation Labs) da Universidade do Porto. Membro do Innovation Advisory Board da Universidade do Porto. Licenciado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica pela Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. M.Sc. em Telecomunicações pela UMIST - University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, Manchester, Reino Unido. Foi Professor convidado da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, entre 2007 e 2011. Foi deputado da Assembleia Municipal do Porto entre 2005 e 2009. Quadro superior de uma empresa de telecomunicações, entre 1999 e 2013. Membro do Conselho de Administração da Fundação da Juventude, entre 2007 e 2013.

  • Verónica Orvalho


    Verónica is a dreamer. She explores how we can engender trust and empathy in today’s digital world.With a bold goal to help build a world in which everyone has the right to be educated. Fascinated by peer learning. She has a PhD in Computer Graphics, recently gave a talk at TEDxPorto, received the Women Who Tech Award in New York and the IBM scientific award. Her inventions have been used by Universal Studios, Sony, Microsoft, Amazon and European and Portuguese research funded projects. She is a professor at Porto University and the founder of Didimo and their vision is to connect lives by automatically creating a digital version of “you”. Her continues effort and dedication to understand how people communicate, led her to discover a new way to interact and scale our presence in the digital era. She strongly believes that every day, is the day we can help change the world if our actions come with gratitude, humility and empathy.

  • Filipa Peleja


    Filipa Peleja is the Levi Strauss & Co Europe Lead Data Scientist at the Data Analytics & AI team. She has always been enthusiastic about technology where she first stepped into the tech world as an undergrad in Computer Science and later Ph.D. in the Machine Learning domain. Her academic accomplishments were recognized with the 1st prize of an industry challenge from a telco and publications in international conferences among which, top tier conferences like SIGIR and ACL. Before joining Levi, Filipa interned at Yahoo! Research and, later, worked as a Sr Data Scientist at Vodafone. Filipa loves to work in an area that she feels very passionate about and also enjoys passing along knowledge, hence, she lectures, supervises final projects and thesis for CodeOp, Neueda and Faculty NOVAIMS.

  • Liliana Ferreira


    Liliana Ferreira is is the director of the Fraunhofer Research Center for Assistive Information and Communication Solutions (AICOS) in Portugal and Full Professor Invited at Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Her research focuses mainly on the areas of Natural Language Processing, Medical Knowledge Representation, Information Extraction, and Health Informatics. Liliana holds a degree in Applied Mathematics and Technology by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (2002), an MSc in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Aveiro (2005), and a Ph.D. in Informatics (2011) also from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Liliana has developed her research in industry and research organizations as Philips Research Eindhoven (NL), IBM Research and Development Böblingen (DE), the Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering of Aveiro (PT), the Ubiquitous Knowledge Lab of the Technical University of Darmstadt (DE) and the University of Tübingen (DE).

  • Pedro Saleiro


    Pedro Saleiro is a senior research manager at Feedzai where he leads the research group on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE). He is responsible for several initiatives related to improving model explainability, bias auditing and algorithmic fairness, experimentation and A/B testing, ML governance and reproducibility. Previously, Pedro was postdoc at the University of Chicago and research data scientist at the Center for Data Science and Public Policy working with Rayid Ghani, on the development of new methods and open source tools (Aequitas library) to detect and reduce bias and discrimination in AI, and doing data science for projects with government and non-profit partners in diverse policy areas. Pedro holds a Phd in Machine Learning from University of Porto.